Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Homemade Pizza!

Yikes!  It's been a week since I posted!  My last post was my menu plan, and unfortunately, it's been tossed out the window for the most part this past and current week.  We've had things come up that have made it impossible to cook, we've been with family for dinner a few nights, and then there have been some nights where good intentions only went so far...

The recipe I was planning to make tonight requires cream.  Well, I ordered cream with last week's raw dairy order, but due to a glitch in their new system, my cream didn't come.  So instead of running to the store, I rummaged through the freezer to see what I could find.  GOLD!  I found a batch of homemade pizza dough!  Homemade pizza is not as hard as you would think, it uses great ingredients, and makes everyone in the house HAPPY!

Pizza Dough:

Mix the following ingredients in a large bowl:
1 cup milk (make sure it's room temp)
1 cup water (again, room temp)
4 Tbsp olive oil
2 tsp basil
2 tsp oregano
3-4 cloves minced garlic
3 cups of flour

After that is mixed, mix in 1 Tbsp of yeast and let it sit for 5 minutes.  Then add 1 Tbsp salt and another 1-2 cups of flour.  You want to be able to knead it and roll it out without it sticking to everything.  Once it gets to that point, you are ready to roll it into crust.

After you've got your dough all rolled out, you need some delicious marinara sauce!

Pizza Sauce:

¼ cup chicken broth
10-12 cherry tomatoes (or 1 quartered regular size tomato)
¼ cup onion (any kind)
2 Tbsp tomato paste
2 cloves garlic
2 tsp basil
½ tsp italian seasoning
salt and pepper to taste

Mix all these in a food processor until well mixed.  Transfer to a sauce pan and simmer for 10 minutes or so to let the flavors blend.

Smatter some sauce on the dough and add your toppings!  My favorite are just cheese, pepperoni, and maybe some spinach.  Nathan goes for the pineapple and jalapenos!  Bon apetit!

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