Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The hardest part about starting a blog... actually starting it.  I've tried blogging before, but found that I didn't really have anything to say.  I'm not terribly interesting.  The only great words of wisdom I have, I probably stole from someone else.  I don't take pictures.  I hate it when people ask me what my hobbies are, because my answer has always been "I don't know."  Or, "What's a hobby??"

What is a girl in my situation to do?  Not blog, I guess.  Well...

Since I found out I was pregnant with Joshua, I immediately started changing my eating habits for the health of this little baby growing inside of me.  This baby, who didn't have the choice of whether to eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch for breakfast or homemade granola bars, was getting his nutrients from the choices I made.  What a hefty responsibility!  And because I wanted to give him the best/healthiest possible start to life, I made changes.  Did I change everything?  No.  But the few changes I made just over a year ago have put my family on a journey toward better health.  Thankfully, I have an amazing husband who fully supports me in my cooking endeavors.  When I feel like giving up, he talks me down from the ledge.  (And yes, we still occasionally pick up a pizza or make a Sonic run!) hobby?  Sure.  I guess you could say that my hobby is cooking/baking and exploring healthy options.  Does that entitle me to write a blog?  Clearly.  ;)

Disclaimer:  I'm no master chef.  Much of the time, I don't even know what I'm doing!  I'm thankful for all the blogs out there that I follow and from whom I get much of my inspiration/information!

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